Monday, April 13, 2015

[californiadisasters] On This Date In California Weather History (April 9)

2001: Two funnel clouds were observed four miles southwest of San Diego - Lindbergh Field.

1999: It was 19° F in Palomar Mountain, the lowest temperature on record for April.

1975: The Padres' home game against the San Francisco Giants was rained out at (then) San Diego Stadium.
This also occurred the previous day on 4.8.1975.

1965: A cold late-season storm that started on 4.7 and ended on 4.11 brought heavy rainfall and snowfall to the region (SoCal).
Over the period 7.66" of precipitation fell in Lake Arrowhead (with nearly 50" of new snow).
5.44" fell in Palomar Mountain (with 13" of snow), 4.36" in Big Bear Lake, 4.25" at Cuyamaca, and 3.14" in Idyllwild (with 24" of snow).
1.5"-2" of rain fell across the coastal basin.
Mountain roads were closed.

1953: Paso Robles dropped to 25° F setting a record low temperature for the month.

1953: Fresno had its latest freezing minimum, 32° F.
This is also the coldest temperature on record in April in Fresno (also on April 1, 1975 and April 7, 1932).

1952: A heavy thunderstorm dropped hail south of Fresno that stripped canes from grape vines and damaged fruit trees.
The high winds also beat down alfalfa crops.

1920: 12" of snow fell at Portola.

Source: NWS Hanford, Reno, & San Diego



Posted by: Kim Noyes <>

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