Sunday, April 12, 2015

[californiadisasters] Re: A Lot Of Bottled Water Comes From Drought-Stricken California

There is a lot of talk about this in a lot of different forums and places. Hopefully something will be done about Bottled Water production during the Drought. And remember it is not just the water in the bottles, how much water to clean and run the Bottling Plants, manufacture bottles, wash delivery trucks, etc? But if they are curtailed people will be screaming about government interference will business? Perhaps Public pressure on Nestles will make them shut down or slow down? Don't hold your breath. They have figured out how to charge more for water than gasoline and many many people happily pay it??? I have read many times that bottled water is subject to less stringent regulations than Tap Water and much bottled water is just tap water run through a little testing and poor filtration.


Posted by: John Stevens <>

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