Sunday, April 12, 2015

Re: [californiadisasters] Re: A Lot Of Bottled Water Comes From Drought-Stricken California

Have you tried filtering it?


On Sun, Apr 12, 2015 at 11:37 AM, Kim Noyes [californiadisasters] <> wrote:

Taste-wise, the tap water in the North County of San Luis Obispo County is unfit for drinking even if it is safe to drink and so I do not drink it. They add chemicals to it to keep it from depositing minerals on pipes and fittings due to the high mineral content of the water. These chemicals as an unintended consequence will eat all our copper piping. I don't want that crap inside of me. Therefore, bottled water for those of us like me who are too poor for reverse osmosis it is desirable. Also, bottled water is useful in a variety of contexts where there is no fountain of faucet nearby as well as while driving in one's car. The list goes on and on. As for bottled water and the drought, the amount of water consumed from bottles is a piss in the ocean compared to all the water used otherwise. To understand this matter it is important to see things in the accurate context of their scale. Nestle should not be getting free or subsidized water but neither should they be prevented from providing a reasonable public service. Indeed, all Californians are receiving subsidized water as we have never been paying the true costs of the water we use and it is high time we started doing so as that would solve the problem of motivating people to start significantly conserving and for crying out loud, tearing out their lawns once and for all as lawns have no place being California aside from places like coastal Humboldt and Del Norte Counties in the rainforests of Northwest California.

On Sun, Apr 12, 2015 at 11:25 AM, [californiadisasters] <> wrote:

I totally fail to understand the popularity of bottled water.  The US is not some third world country with poor quality tap water.  Tons and tons of plastic waster are generated each year by all the plastic bottles.  I do drink  bottled water when in the Tampa/Clearwater area of Florida as the tap water there tasts like rotten eggs smell and I have drunk bottled water in Tanzania and Kenya as the waater there causes problems. 

Other than that I always am quite happy with plain old tap water.  Maybe the State of California should ban bottlers from using waters from municipal systems or drawn from local aquifers.



Posted by: Kate Hutton <>

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