Sunday, April 12, 2015

Re: [californiadisasters] Re: A Lot Of Bottled Water Comes From Drought-Stricken California

The tap water in my city tastes terrible. I use one of those filter pitchers (actually two). One for cooking and the coffee pot and another ~2 gallon box with a tap for drinking. They do a good job otherwise I would not continue to use them. Also a filter in the line to the fridge ice maker. I do buy and store bottled water to be on hand in case the "big one" happens during my tour on the planet. Obviously it has to be used and restocked regularly.

Just for my info one of those companies called the other day that said they could replace my grass for "free". I knew it could not be true and it was. ~$10,000 to replace ~850 sqft of grass with rocks (I previously took out the rocks and replaced with grass for the dogs and aesthetics years ago). How many regualar folks can afford to do that - especially on a larger basis? I do have a bigger yard but that was just the grass part. The contractor was an young Israeli combat vet and seemed to be OK but that cost in relation to the value of my home was too unreasonable. Also it would be a big dent in my savings or a load on a credit card just to "save" a few gallons of water. I already use drip irrigation and only water every other day with low flow sprinkler heads years before the edict from Sacramento.

The problem is that a large part of California can be/is an arid, dry climate irregardless if we have a "Planetary Emergency". If you look at old movies and photos you will/should notice the glaring lack of trees and shrubs. We use way more water for a "normal" life than what would normally be available locally in the southern part of the state.
The "average" rainfall where I reside, Los Angeles, is 13 inches. Not many people used to live here a hundred plus years ago as it was so dry.

My solution would be to abandon the Browndoggle "Train to No Where" and use those mega taxpayer (ours) $$$ for desalinization plants to supply the southern part of the state. The central/northern parts should have enough to get by without the draw of the south on it's resources. I'm sure Inyo and Mono would send up a cheer upon hearing that!

  Don KPC6NDB  Upland, CA      On 12-Apr-15 11:25, [californiadisasters] wrote:  
I totally fail to understand the popularity of bottled water.  The US is not some third world country with poor quality tap water.  Tons and tons of plastic waster are generated each year by all the plastic bottles.  I do drink  bottled water when in the Tampa/Clearwater area of Florida as the tap water there tasts like rotten eggs smell and I have drunk bottled water in Tanzania and Kenya as the waater there causes problems. 

Other than that I always am quite happy with plain old tap water.  Maybe the State of California should ban bottlers from using waters from municipal systems or drawn from local aquifers.


Posted by: Don <>

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