Monday, April 13, 2015

[Volcano_Vista_HS] VVHS Announcements--Monday, April 13, 2015

Congratulations to our High Court for Prom:


Queen Quinn Steffensen

King Toby Gomes


1st Princess Kassidy Steckbeck

1st Prince Isaiah Delarmente


2nd Princess Natalie Gayoso

2nd Prince Dillon Moses


Congratulations to the Jazz Band as they received straight superior ratings at the UNM Jazz Festival. Great job jazz band!


Congratulations to the VVHS Academic Decathlon team for taking 2nd place at the state competition.  Lauren Crabtree received 1st place in Language and Literature, 3rd place in Math, 2nd place in Music, and 1st place in Social Science.  Carly Strickland received 2nd place in Math, 1st place in Music, and 2nd place in Science.  Gabrielle Hockstra-Johnson received 3rd place in Art, 1st place in Language and Literature, and 1st place in Music.  Samantha Baxter received 2nd place in Language and Literature, 2nd place in Music and 3rd place in Social Science.  Thao Nguyen received 3rd place in Music.  Jordan Anderson received 1st place in Language and Literature and 1st place in Music.  We congratulate these students and wish them well in the national competition later this week. 


Day of Silence is this Friday, April 17th.  Day of Silence is a national day of action in which students across the country vow to take a form of silence to call attention to the silencing effect of anti-LGBT bullying and harassment in schools.  GLSENs Day of Silence brings attention to anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harassment and effective responses. The goal of the Day of Silence is to make schools safer for all students, regardless of sexual orientation  and gender identity/expression. In a Harris Interactive study on bullying,  students said two of the top three reasons students are harassed in school are actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender expression.  Additionally, nearly 9 out of 10 LGBT students experience harassment  at school. Students across the country participate in GLSENs Day of Silence  to bring attention to this problem, let students who experience such  bullying know that they are not alone and ask schools to take action to  address the problem. During the week, the VVHS GSA will be signing people up to participate  in the Day of Silence before school in A hall and during lunch in A hall and H hall. Come sign up… Silence CAN create change!  


Senate 2015-16: Any student interested in participating in senate next year please stop by the activities office at lunch to pick up an application.


April is Autism Awareness month. To help VVHS be more aware of Autism we would like to bring you an Autism Quote each day.

- "So is there a cure?' I asked.

'It's not a disease,' he explained. 'It doesn't need curing. It's just how you are." ― John Robison


Prom was last weekend, now what am I supposed to do this weekend?

I Know! I'll go to OPEN MIC NIGHT! It's this Friday, in the Blackbox, from 6 - 9 pm. Entrance is $3. Come see Volcano's very own amazing talent!  Sign ups are Monday - Thursday outside H219 for only $1.

YEARBOOKS: Yearbooks will be on sale until April 27th during lunch in the activities office. Books are $70.00. The price of the books will increase to $75 on the 22nd. Books will not be sold on the 20th or 21st. Distribution will be at the senior picnic for seniors only and during lunch on April 23rd.

MEDIA CENTER: Did you know that $250,000 was spent in the furnishing of the Library? This amount doesn't even include the thousands of dollars spent on books and technology. This is a fairly new library, yet damage has been done to the carpet and furniture, especially by the computers. Please take pride in your library and refrain from bringing in and consuming food and drinks in the library, thank you!


  • Seniors there is still time to apply for scholarships! Go visit the college and career center during lunch, in E224 and look at the scholarships available.

  • Sophomores and Juniors, ever wonder how college admissions decisions get made? Now YOU get to try your hand at this complex task. Please join us for the Second Annual APS Case Studies Program. Admission officers from across the country will lead discussion of three mock admission applications, and you get to make the tough decisions. This is a very informative and interactive program.  Following the Case Studies Program, there will be a brief College Fair for you to ask questions of the representatives attending. The program will take place at two locations simultaneously: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Valley High School  and La Cueva High School 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.



  • TENNIS: The Metro tournament will be taking place all week. Boys will play Cibola here on Tuesday at 3:30. Girls will play at Cibola on Tuesday at 3:30

  • GOLF: plays Tuesday at Ladera at 8am

  • BASEBALL: plays Tuesday at Sandia at 4 and on Friday they will play Cibola here at 4.

  • SOFTBALL: plays at Sandia at 4 on Tuesday. The team plays at Cibola on Thursday.

  • TRACK: will be in the Wildcat Relays at Clovis on Friday.


Have a great day!

And remember

As always…


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