Thursday, April 16, 2015

[Volcano_Vista_HS] VVHS Announcements--Thursday, April 16, 2015

Day of Silence is this Friday, April 17th.  Day of Silence is a national day of action in which students across the country vow to take a form of silence to call attention to the silencing effect of anti-LGBT bullying and harassment in schools.  During the week, the VVHS GSA will be signing people up to participate in the Day of Silence before school in A hall and during lunch in A hall and H hall. Come sign up… In addition, The Hawk Gay Straight Alliance will be hosting a Break the Silence Event after school on Friday in the lecture hall. During the event we will be screening the film "E=?" by our very own VVHS Junior, Michelle Griego. The film won first palce in the New Mexico Scholastic Press Association state competition for Broadcast Documentary and addresses the different viewpoints of some members of the Volcano Vista school community with regards to sexual orientation.  All members of the Volcano Vista community are invitied to attend the event.  Silence CAN create change!

BEST BUDDIES: Come join best buddies in H-hall at lunch on Friday and listen to Derek Nuce play the guitar.

PING-PONG CHALLENGE:  Attention any staff or students that want to play in the ping-pong staff/student challenge, please sign up at lunch in the activities office.  There will be a singles and doubles sign up available.  It is $1 per bracket per person.  Games will start next Monday.

Seniors:  Your senior t-shirt will be on sale today during lunch in the activities office for $10.00.  This is your ticket into the senior picnic on Wednesday, April 22.  We have ordered a limited number so buy yours early.

Math NHS is now taking orders for their, "The Sky's the Limit" Math T-shirts.  If you are interested in ordering a Math T-shirt you must turn n your order form and money to Mr. Guzman in H217 no later than Friday, April 17th.  Also, Math NHS members who are interested in becoming a club officer, we will be holding officer elections during our next meeting on Monday, April 20


Senate 2015-16: Any student interested in participating in senate next year please stop by the activities office at lunch to pick up an application.


BSU: There will be a meeting today during lunch in Mrs. Vasquez' classroom, H-206.  We will be going over everything for our Award's ceremony and making some important decisions.  Please be in attendance.


April is Autism Awareness month. To help VVHS be more aware of Autism we would like to bring you an Autism Quote each day.

Remember a person with Autism isn't a set of symptoms or statistics always remember and remind them that they're a person first." ― Paul Isaacs



It's this Friday, in the Blackbox, from 6 - 9 pm. Entrance is $3. Come see Volcano's very own amazing talent!  Sign ups are Monday - Thursday outside H219 for only $1.

YEARBOOKS: Yearbooks will be on sale until April 17th during lunch in the activities office. Books are $70.00. The price of the books will increase to $75 on the 22nd. Books will not be sold on the 20th or 21st. Distribution will be at the senior picnic for seniors only and during lunch on April 23rd. FRIDAY, tomorrow is the last day to purchase a yearbook for $70.00.

MEDIA CENTER: Did you know that $250,000 was spent in the furnishing of the Library? This amount doesn't even include the thousands of dollars spent on books and technology. This is a fairly new library, yet damage has been done to the carpet and furniture, especially by the computers. Please take pride in your library and refrain from bringing in and consuming food and drinks in the library, thank you!


  • Seniors there is still time to apply for scholarships! Go visit the college and career center during lunch, in E224 and look at the scholarships available.

  • For Information on High School Summer Registration Please have your student meet with their school counselor to complete the pre-registration form which is your "Ticket" to get in line. Tuition must be paid IN FULL at time of registration. Registration and Tuition Payments will be in person at APS Alice and Bruce King Educational Complex, 6400 Uptown Blvd NE, 87110 (City Center).Registration dates are every Saturday in May 2015 and June 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th.  Summer School sites for 2015 are Cibola, Sandia, West Mesa and ECademy High Schools.  There will NOT be any summer school registration at the high school sites.



  • BASEBALL: plays on Friday they will play Cibola here at 4.

  • SOFTBALL: plays at Cibola today

  • TRACK: will be in the Wildcat Relays at Clovis on Friday.


Have a great day!

And remember

As always…

It's great to be a hawk!


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