HOMECOMING TICKETS: Tickets will go on sale at lunch tomorrow for $20.00. The price will increase to $25.00 next Wednesday. You must have your student ID to purchase a ticket. If you are bringing a guest that does not attend VVHS please have the guest permission form filled out. This form can be found at the activities office or online.
THE GERMAN CLUB will meet today at lunch in room G108. Plans for the Homecoming Carnival will be discussed. All interested students are welcome.
ANIME CLUB: We will be meeting in E-207 every other Tues starting this Tues on Sept 22nd during lunch . Meeting will start promptly @ 12:10, so don't be late.
ATTENTION DECA STUDENTS: Today is our first Chapter Event. Join the squad in front of the DECA Snack Bar today after school for great root beer floats and even better company.
SOPHOMORE CLASS meeting will be Thursday at lunch in E201
ATTENTION JUNIORS! The junior powder puff cheer squad will meet in front of the Lava Pit in A Hall TODAY at 6:00 pm for practice!
COMPUTER GRAPHICS CLUB is meeting today at Lunch in Room E115.
THE ART CLUB AND NATIONAL ART HONOR SOCIETY will meet on Friday at lunch in room G112. New members are welcome.
STUDENT AMBASSADORS who signed up for the events committee - we will have a planning meeting during lunch today in room A202.
WING SQUAD: Would you like to get involved at our school? ... Well, join Wing Squad, a community service group where you can earn a letter. We will be meeting today at lunch in room H107. Come see Ms. Duran in H107 about joining Wing Squad.
CONVERGE: meeting is today at lunch in room F211. Hope to see you there!
FCA: Fellowship of Christian Athletes will meet at lunch today in A117.
•Utah Valley State and the University of Arizona will be on campus, Friday, in lower E-Hall at lunch.
•The New Mexico College Fair will take place Sunday, September 20th at University Arena " The Pit" from 12-3:30 you can register online at gotocollegefairs.com. Parking and attendance are free.
•The Westside College Fair will be held Tuesday September 22nd at Cibola High School. Admission is free. Colleges from around the country will be in attendance.
PSAT: Juniors if you want to take the PSAT sign up with Mr. Garcia in room E224 at lunch. This is your opportunity to qualify for The National Merit Scholarship Program. The cost is $15 and the last day to sign up is Tuesday September 22st. Test Day is October 14th.
GIRLS & BOYS SOCCER plays in Las Cruces this weekend against Mayfield and Las Cruces
VOLLEYBALL plays at Hope Christian on Thursday at 6:30
XC has a meet at Cleveland High School on Friday at 3:00
THE BIRD BOWL: Football plays the Eldorado Eagles on Friday night at 7 at Community Stadium.
Have a great day
And remember
As always…
It's great to be a Hawk!
Posted by: ssteckbeck@yahoo.com
For more information, go to our web site: http://www.volcanovistahawks.com
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