Monday, August 15, 2016

[Volcano_Vista_HS] VVHS Announcements--Monday, August 15, 2016

Announcements will be at the beginning of 3rd period on C-days and at the beginning of 3rd A days(3rd) & at the beginning of 2nd on B days.

Today is a C-day. You will attend all classes.

Tomorrow is a B- day: 1, 2, 4, 6 


FIRE ESCAPE: If you need a fire escape route map, please see Mr. Alzaga in H Hall Admin for a copy.  These escape maps need to be displayed in your classrooms or offices.


PARKING PASSES are $35.00 and will be sold during lunch everyday and before school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the Activities Office. Please be sure to have the form filled out and bring the correct documentation.


LOCKERS: If you have not gotten your locker please stop by the activities office to receive your number. Don't just take a locker.


DRIVERS ED: Sign-ups for Drivers Ed will be today at lunch in the Activities Office. You must be 15 by August 15 in order to be eligible.


DODGEBALL: Attention faculty and students.....dodgeball tournament will take place next week at lunch.  Championship game will be during fall assembly next Friday.  So get teams of 6 and sign up in activities office at lunch.  Each team must pay $5 to be in tournament.


SOPHOMORE BOARD: There will be a sophomore class meeting today at lunch in Mr. Finn's room (F210) for class officers, senators, and anybody else who wants to attend


GSA: Today is the first meeting of the GSA in F 125 during lunch. Anyone interested in attending is welcome. Volcano Vista's Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) is a club that works toward and promotes acceptance of all students in the school community regardless of gender identity and/or sexual orientation. As the name implies we are a group made up of students of ALL genders, and ALL sexual orientations, so everyone is welcome to attend. Our meetings are every Monday at lunch in conference room F125.  To get signed up for the Remind101 alerts, see Ms. Phaneuf  in room A120.


Hip Hop Hawks: Do you like Hip Hop?  Do you like to dance?  Then come join the Hip Hop Hawks!  We meet every Friday after school in H-Hall by the PAC.  All levels of skill from beginner to advanced are welcome to join!  See Coach Suman for more information!


Staff Fitness begins this week!  Join us today after school for Walking and Running Club, Wednesdays after school for Zumba and weights and Thursdays after school for Yoga!  See Coach Suman for more details. 

The Staff Walking Challenge begins next week!  Start logging your steps and let's beat Cibola and West Mesa teachers for the Fittest Staff and the Pride of the Westside!! 


If your student is in need of credit recovery, the eCademy Fall 2016 registration will be opening on Thursday August 11th, 2016. Students can register upon returning to school for the fall semester. Have your student make an appointment with their High School Counselor to register. Students need to bring the $25 registration fee, cash or money order, when meeting with their High School Counselor. Do not miss out if your student is in need of making up credits.  For more information visit our school website at, or contact your students' High School Counselor.



  • VOLLEYBALL: The Volleyball Team is looking for Managers grades 10th-12th.  If you are interested please go to room A124 or H216

  • XC: Need a reason to join cross country? Reason #843 to join Cross country: Did you get cut from another team during tryouts? Well, cross country doesn't have cuts. If you come to practice, you're on the team. It's not too late to join. See Coach Schrader in H108 or Coach Crawley in E203.

  • SOFTBALL: Anyone interested in playing softball please attend an informational meeting on Wednesday, August 17 in the lecture hall at 12:15. 

And remember

As always

It's Great to be a Hawk


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For more information, go to our web site:


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