Rick, I love you disclaimer statement with your name. Of course I look at all data, that is why the results can cause me to change what I believe in.
On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 12:08 PM, Rick Bates <HappyMoosePhoto@gmail.com> wrote:
Then you should also take in data that refutes your beliefs. That too may alter your beliefs or reinforce them but you will have a wider perspective regardless which empowers you to make bolder statements and stronger arguments.
Rick (who has never approved of sensationalizing simply to push the sales up, commonly used by newspapers, lawyers . . . it presents a weak argument from the git go)
From: John Rasmussen
Lin, I must open my mouth. Of course I will take data that is published to support my personal beliefs. That is the purpose of experimentation and publishing results. Now because of the results, my personal beliefs may change.
John Atwell Rasmussen, Ph.D., AJP
Saxa Loquntur
Geologist and Gemologist
Rasmussen Gems and Jewelry
Web: http://www.gemlover.artfire.com
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