Announcing A New Webinar Series About Whole Community Emergency Preparedness Inclusive of Persons With Disabilities And Others With Access And Functional Needs
The Office of Disability Integration & Coordination (ODIC) at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) National Network, led by the Pacific ADA Center, have joined forces to offer monthly webinars. Beginning in the Fall 2014, the webinars will share issues and promising practices in emergency management inclusive of people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs. The webinars will provide an exciting opportunity for emergency managers, people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs, first responders, planners, community organizations, and other community partners to exchange knowledge and information on promising practices in inclusive emergency preparedness for the whole community. Topics will relate to emergency preparedness and disaster response, recovery and mitigation as well as accessibility and reasonable accommodation issues under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and other relevant laws.
We invite individuals and organizations across the country to submit proposals for webinars describing their own promising inclusive emergency management practices. Selected promising practices will be presented in monthly webinars offered by FEMA ODIC and the Pacific ADA Center (on behalf of the ADA National Network).
If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please review the following information for additional guidance and submit your proposal by September 5, 2014. You can submit your proposal by fax at 540-504-2830 or by email to
Webinars will be selected by September 29, 2014. Together we can achieve whole community inclusive emergency preparedness.
Lewis Kraus, Deputy Director Marcie Roth, Director
Pacific ADA Center Office of Disability Integration and Coordination
555 12th Street, Suite 1030 DHS/Federal Emergency Management Agency
Oakland, CA 94607 500 C Street SW, Washington D.C. 20472
510-285-5600 Voice/TTY
510-285-5614 Fax
To assist you in developing your proposals we have provided you with a brief description of what the proposal should consist of along with the criteria FEMA/National ADA Center will use to select proposals:
FEMA/ National ADA National Network seeks to highlight inclusive emergency management practices, approaches, methods, interventions, and technologies that show promise of replication, and that can demonstrate effective, positive outcomes. Studies that could serve as the basis for developing promising practices – for example, studies describing what we know about the past experiences of people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs in emergencies can also be submitted. Ideally, these practices will have been tested in an exercise or real-live event before, during or following a disaster. However, research-based evidence is not required for submission for the FEMA/ADA National Network webinars. FEMA/National ADA Network also encourages applications that demonstrate strong, common sense ideas that have worked in one setting and that can demonstrate promise of working in other settings. Documenting and sharing information about innovative and promising local strategies is an important step in building the evidence base for effective inclusive, whole community emergency management. The webinars aim to showcase the continuum of knowledge development in inclusive emergency management.
Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:
1. The proposal incorporates the values of inclusion, integration, dignity, independence, accessibility and self-determination for individuals with disabilities before, during and after an emergency/disaster as well as accessibility and reasonable accommodation issues.
2. The proposal demonstrates that it can help strengthen the whole community's capacity to prepare for, respond to, recover from and mitigate disasters.
3. The proposal clearly describes its purpose, significance for whole community planning, methodology, design and findings/conclusions.
4. The proposal is (a) based on scientific research or development activities or (b) can demonstrate that it has been effective in at least one setting and shows promise of replication to other settings.
5. The topic can be presented effectively in a 90 minute webinar with at least 20 minutes of question and answer.
Once selected and scheduled, slides and other presentation materials will be due 30 days in advance of the Webinar. All slides will be published and will need to comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Some technical assistance will be provided to assist presenters; however proposals and materials that are not provided in accessible formats are not likely to be considered "promising".
Presenters will be able to deliver their webinar from their own internet connected computer or phone.
Please include the Name, Title, Organization, Job Description, email address, and phone number for the potential webinars presenter with your proposal.
Please provide a Title and Description of promising practice to be presented.
In describing your practice, please consider how the proposed promising practice demonstrates the following key concepts:
Inclusion- How does the proposed promising practice facilitate the inclusion of individuals with disabilities and others with access and functional needs in the emergency management process?
Integration- Are services provided to individuals with disabilities and others with access and functional needs in the same setting or environment as they are for individuals without disabilities or access and functional needs?
Equal-Access / Universal Access- How does the proposed promising practice promote equal or universal access to emergency preparedness, response, recovery or mitigation programs for all individuals, with and without disabilities or access and functional needs?
Self-Determination- Are individuals with disabilities and others with access and functional needs able to choose if and how they would like to receive information and services?
Physical Access - Are services and facilities physically and architecturally accessible?
Effective Communication- How does the proposed promising practice ensure effective communication in the format that will be the most effective for each individual who has an access or functional need?
Reasonable modifications- Does the proposed promising practice allow for modifications of policies and procedures? What is the process for an individual to request reasonable modification?
Please add any additional information that is useful.
Thank you for your submission. We will notify you by email if you are selected.
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