Congratulations to this week's SOAR drawing winners. The following students have been recognized by our staff for exhibiting Volcano Vista core values - Safety, Organization, Achievement and Respect. All winners this week receive lunch in the Lava Pit.
Aubrey Sandoval - Recognized by Ms. Bullard
Sam Strittmatter - Recognized by Mrs. Maestas
Kirsten Cacy - Recognized by Mr. St. John
Desireigh Cox - Recognized by Mrs. Lopez-Leger
Ethan Roybal - Recognized by Mr. Cook
Dylan Telesah - Recognized by Mr. St. John
Come join us for a cupcake walk today at lunch. All students are welcome and there is no charge. Just come to the upper north balcony of the gym and walk to win a cupcake. Sponsored by the Student Ambassadors Tuesday at lunch.
WING SQUAD: There is a campus clean-up on Saturday, August 30; anyone can come to help keep our school one of the cleanest APS campuses! All wing squad members: there is trash duty at lunch today! Meet in the A-Hall office within the last ten minutes of lunch today.
SNHS: First meeting of the Spanish National Honor Society will be Thursday, Aug 28th, at lunch, in E112. Bring your calendars. Hasta el jueves!
BSU: We will be having our first BSU meeting this Thursday, August 28th, during lunch in Room H206. Please see Mrs. Vasquez if you have any questions.
GSA: The Gay Straight Alliance will be meeting this Wednesday (August 27th) at lunch in Room A120. All who are interested are welcome to attend. The mission of the GSA is to help create a safe environment for all students and promote tolerance of diversity in the school.
SkillsUSA: Interested in an organization that will help you foster professional relationships and develop the skills and behaviors that employers and looking for. Come to G203 on Thursday September 4th at Lunch and learn about SkillsUSA. SkillsUSA will be meeting in G203 on Thursday at lunch. Hope to see you there.
MESA will be holding our first meeting of the year Wednesday August 27th at lunch in G203. This year we have all new competitions and great things going on. Hope to see you there.
TONIGHT your local congressmen and women will be hosting ACADEMY NIGHT at the UNM Student Union building from 6-8 pm. If you have any interest in attending any of the service academies or ROTC programs, you are highly encouraged to attend as the representatives will be present to answer any questions and give briefings about the nomination process. Dress to impress and see Major Campbell in B154 if you have any questions.
FASHION CLUB will be having their next meeting after school next Wednesday, August 27 in Mrs. Orta's room, F104. New members are always welcome and anyone can join.
If you wish to take a Driver Education course after school at VVHS, you must sign-up in the Activities Office before end of school on Wednesday AND you must attend a MANDATORY meeting at lunch in Room F110 on THURSDAY AUGUST 28th. Students who do not make it to this mandatory meeting on Thursday will not have the class added to their schedules.
Attention Students enrolled in an eCADEMY class: Classes started on Monday, August 25th. You should have logged on and started working. Also, don't forget you need to attend the mandatory orientation that you should have signed up for when you registered for class. All orientations are at eCADEMY. Please see Mrs. Wells in A202 if you have any questions.
Are you interested in a STEM career (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and will also be the first in your family to attend college? Then join us next month for a special visit to UNM. Sign up this week in the Career Center. There are a limited number of spots.
SENIORS, there are some scholarships with deadlines earlier than most. For example, the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Multicultural council scholarship deadline is September 8. This is a 1,000-dollar award.
Students, free events are available for you and your parents next week to help you gain information for you're after high school planning: Colleges That Change Lives. This college fair will primarily host small, private colleges from around the country. It will be held at the Marriot Pyramid North at 7pm on Wednesday August 27th. Visit the Career Center, E224, for more information about these events.
Girls basketball meeting at lunch on Wednesday in the gym.
If you are interested in playing Boys Basketball and are not in a fall sport, please meet in room A117 at lunch on Thursday
BOYS SOCCER plays today at 4:15 against West Mesa and Thursday against Valley at 6:30 and Saturday at 9:15 against Sandia
GIRLS SOCCER plays TUESDAY at 6:30 against West Mesa and Thursday at 4:15 against La Cueva Saturday at 9:15 against Highland.
All soccer games this week will be at the APS Soccer Complex
Football has their first game against Sandia on Saturday at 2 at Community Stadium. We are the visiting team and will sit on the east side of the stadium. There will be a tailgate beginning at 11AM on Saturday by the gym. Stay tuned for more info.
Have a great day!
And remember
As always…
It's great to be a hawk!
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