Let's ICE Atencio! We need to raise $1,000.00 to have Mrs. Atencio participate in the ice bucket challenge at the assembly on Friday. We already have $750. Students will be collecting money during lunch (look for the black buckets) or stop by the activities office anytime to donate. The money will be given to New Day, a local charity that supports homeless teens.
Students: reminder to come up to the north mezzanine today. It is hosted by Francour/Figiel and there will be an ice-cream social. Don't miss the fun and food.
THE VVHS IMPROV CLUB, Winging it, is now in it's second year. We will have a meeting after school Friday in the piano room, G-116. Please stop by if you are interested. For more information, come talk to Ms. Brinduse, Mr. Lonz, or Mr. Zimmerman.
SNHS: TODAY is the first meeting of the Spanish National Honor Society. Bring your calendars and meet at lunch in room E112. Todos a una! August 25, 26, 27
SkillsUSA: SkillsUSA is a dynamic and career-oriented leadership organization focused on individual success at home, the classroom, the community and the workplace. Involvement in SkillsUSA can change your life. SkillsUSA will be having our first meeting Thursday September 4th at lunch in room G203. See you there.
WING SQUAD: There is a campus clean-up on Saturday, August 30; anyone can come to help keep our school one of the cleanest APS campuses! All wing squad members: there is trash duty at lunch today! Meet in the A-Hall office within the last ten minutes of lunch today.
BSU: We will be having our first BSU meeting today during lunch in Room H206. Please see Mrs. Vasquez if you have any questions.
Attention Students enrolled in an eCADEMY class: Classes started on Monday, August 25th. You should have logged on and started working. Also, don't forget you need to attend the mandatory orientation that you should have signed up for when you registered for class. All orientations are at eCADEMY. Please see Mrs. Wells in A202 if you have any questions.
Are you interested in a STEM career (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and will also be the first in your family to attend college? Then join us next month for a special visit to UNM. Sign up this week in the Career Center. There are a limited number of spots. See Mrs. Baca-Dory in room E224 for more information.
SENIORS, there are some scholarships with deadlines earlier than most. For example, the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Multicultural council scholarship deadline is September 8. This is a 1,000-dollar award. Visit the Career Center, E224, for more information about these events.
WRESTLING: There is a mandatory meeting for all current wrestlers, and all who are interested in wrestling this year Friday 8/29 in the wrestling room.
If you are interested in playing Boys Basketball and are not in a fall sport, please meet in room A117 at lunch today.
BOYS SOCCER plays today against Valley at 6:30 and Saturday at 9:15 against Sandia
GIRLS SOCCER plays today at 4:15 against La Cueva and Saturday at 9:15 against Highland.
All soccer games this week will be at the APS Soccer Complex. Walking to the Soccer Complex: if you walk from VVHS to the Soccer Complex, please go the NORTH side of Tony Hillerman, use the sidewalk and then cut across their outdoor basketball courts to go up to the Soccer Complex.
Football has their first game against Sandia on Saturday at 2 at Community Stadium. We are the visiting team and will sit on the east side of the stadium. There will be a tailgate beginning at 11am on Saturday by the gym. Rudy's will be selling chips, soda and a sandwich for $4.00.
Athletic Punch Cards are being sold in the Freshmen Academy for $15, $25, and $35.
And remember
As always…
It's great to be a hawk!
Posted by: ssteckbeck@yahoo.com
For more information, go to our web site: http://www.volcanovistahawks.com
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