Friday, September 19, 2014

[californiadisasters] South Ops News & Notes Update (9/18/14-6:40PM)






June Fire, CA-INF-001351, Mono County, Update

June Lake Parking Lot


65 acres, 65% Contained

SoCal Type 2 team (Wakoski) remains in command.

Unified command with June Lake Fire Protection District, USFS-INF,

CHP, and Mono County Sheriff

Electrical Transmission lines and Verizon fiber optic lines were

damages within the fire perimeter.

Repopulation of the Community of June Lake and opening of June

Lake Road/HWY 158.


Courtney CA-MMU-016429, Madera County, Update

320 acres, 90% Contained

Type 3 IC (Van Loben Sels).

Fire Suppression Repair is ongoing.

Utility companies continue to repair damaged infrastructure.


Silverado, Vegetation Fire, CA-CNF-2873, Orange County, Update


Type 3 IMT (Marinelli)

Incident has transition back to respective forest.

968 acres, 98% contained.


Meadow Fire, CA-YNP-00101, Mariposa County, Update              

4,772 acres, 90% contained.

Type 3 IC (Speilman/ Loomis Trainee)

Fire Fighters continue to backhaul equipment and supplies.

Two Wildland Fires Modules remain spiked out in the wilderness to

patrol/monitor and mop-up where necessary.



Posted by: Kim Noyes <>

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