Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Re: [californiadisasters] Re: California drought: Will the Golden State turn brown?


You can put something like bricks in the toilet tank to reduce consumption but it may not flush well on less water flow. Also you can repair leaking water faucets and make sure the faucet aerators are in good shape.   
More Live Radio Fun and a Whole Lot More!    Don KPC6NDB  Upland, CA  34.10 -117.63 1250ft  FRG-100B FunCube Dongle Pro+  ICF2010 Perseusx3 WR-G31DDCx2  R70 R71A w/250Hz R75x2 w/250Hz  PRN1000 SDR-IQ SPR-4 SSR-1  SR-AF & LPF DSP599zx MFJ-784B  HD-1418 AF-1 MSB-1  PA0RDT Mini-Whipx2 @ 25ft   RYOAA @ 25ft 30ft LNV  ALA100Lx2 Z1501F @20ft w/9ft Whip  Solarcon A-99  
On 15-Apr-15 13:29, [californiadisasters] wrote:
With so many people renting places, I don't understand how any of this advice will apply.  I rent and am responsible for my water bill but I can't replace my toilet or water faucet and there's no way to force the property owner to do so.  Given the number of people in Los Angeles that rent the restrictions are going to be punative for them.  No one ever addresses this fact, it's always "homeowners".

Who can I honestly contact that will consider this without giving me lip service?  I'd love to have a lower water bill by changing some of the fixtures but I can't do it.


Posted by: Don <>

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