Sunday, September 6, 2015

Re: [californiadisasters] Less water might be plenty for California, experts ...

In my neck of the woods, most new subdivisions going in are using drought-tolerant landscaping systems on the home properties and surrounding areas.   Personally I think it looks bad, but it is what it is right now for this type of crisis.   I hope El Nino actually brings us a good balance of rain soon.    Green grasses help the environment in many ways and shouldn't be written off completely.
In a message dated 9/6/2015 10:09:55 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

How about 'QUIT BUILDING NEW HOUSING if you don't have the water to supply the darn things?' Prohibit HOA requirements for lawns/landscaping which consumes unnecessary water--and encourage the establishment of not only xeriscaping but flower and vegetable gardens which are wisely designed for prudent water use.

Make inventive non-lawn landscaping the in thing, and keeping up with the Joneses will do a lot to help spread it. :)


> From: "Kim Noyes [californiadisasters]" <>
>To: CaliforniaDisasters <>
>Sent: Sunday, September 6, 2015 9:59 PM
>Subject: Re: [californiadisasters] Less water might be plenty for California, experts say, and conservation is only the start
>Make private lawn ownership (including private golf courses) illegal for rich and poor while watering public parks and golf courses generously unless the water comes from a source that is not shared with anybody else in a particular aquafir. That would save tons of water annually across the state.


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