Thursday, September 10, 2015

[Volcano_Vista_HS] VVHS Announcements--Thursday, September 10, 2015

MALE HOMECOMING COURT members: You will be fitted for your tux during lunch Friday in the lecture hall.


SENIORS AND JUNIORS: There will be a short meeting at lunch on Thursday for all students signed up for powderpuff.


Students! The Library is giving away free Fiction books all this week.


Reminder for  STUDENT SUCCESS ADVISORY COUNCIL members: There will be a meeting FRIDAY in A102 during lunch.


BEST BUDDIES will meet during lunch on Friday in H115. Please stop by!


CONVERGE is back! This is a judgment-free, strictly inclusive club where absolutely everyone is welcome. Each week, we will discuss a topic that our generation faces such as relationships, religion, and peer pressure. We ask for everyone to attend with respect and an open mind as we talk about these subjects. It all starts next Wednesday, September 15th, at lunch in room F211. Hope to see you there!


Do you love OPEN MIC NIGHT?  Are you interested in interviewing for one of our Open Mic MC positions?  Then join us at lunch today in H219 (Mrs. Rizzardi's room).


SENATE: Any freshman interested in being in senate this year- stop by activities during lunch to pick up an application. Applications are due back by Friday at lunch.




  • GOLF: This is an important message for those students wanting to tryout for the Golf Team this fall.  You must see Coach Cota in H-209 either Today or Thursday at Lunch to arrange a tee time for tryouts.  If you fail to meet with Coach Cota, you will not be scheduled a tee time for tryouts on Monday.  No exceptions.  Meet in H-209 today or tomorrow at lunch. 

  • Girls Soccer plays St. Pius on Friday at 3:30.

  • BOYS SOCCER plays at St. Pius on Saturday at 2. 

  • The VOLLEYBALL METRO tournament is being held in the Ring of Fire this week. Come watch some great teams play. Our team will play Eldorado at 6:30 in the Ring of Fire. 

  • FOOTBALL: Plays in Las Cruces on Saturday at 1 

  • XC: has a meet on Saturday at Mesa del Sol at 9am


Have a great day

And remember                                         

As always…

It's great to be a Hawk!


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