Best Buds will meet on Friday during lunch in E102. We will have our end of the semester celebration. Please come and enjoy good food!
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY: Our Hawks Clean-Up Week continues through Friday. Be sure to sign-in at the A Hall Office at 11:20. Each day of clean-up can make-up for a missed meeting this semester. Also, remember that NHS will be having a Pizza lunch provided by Senate on Wed, Dec 19th, in front of the PAC. See you there!
ECademy Registration will be ongoing until January 17th, 2013. If you need to make up a class, bring $15 cash, registration fee to your Academy Counselor, and they will review with you options to make up credits.
Next week is closed week. All activities need to be completed by 6 PM every day. Study hard and get plenty of sleep. Good luck on your finals.
- Both basketball teams will be participating in the Academy tournament beginning today.
- The dance team will be competing in their spirit competition on Friday evening at Cibola. The competition begins at 7pm.
- The Varsity Cheerleaders will be competing at Cibola on Saturday at 1pm.
Go out and support the Hawks.
And remember
As always…
It's great to be a Hawk!
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