NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY: Don't Forget: Student Senate is providing lunch for all National Honor Society members today in front of the Theater. Come early for a Dion's lunch, courtesy of Student Senate, and many thanks to Ms. Weidner and the Senate for providing lunch for NHS members on Wednesday.
Student Senate is asking everyone to participate in a Teddy Bear Drive. We believe that this is a time to come together to help the families of Newtown, Connecticut start the healing process. We are collecting NEW stuffed animals and Teddy Bears this week to send to the families of Newtown. We encourage you to bring a bear to donate. If you would like to encourage you to leave words of hope, consolation, inspiration etc. Please bring your bears to the Activities Office. We will be delivering the bears on Thursday.
Have you lost your pants, shoes, coat, or shirt? Stop by activities and see if it is in the lost and found. All lost and found items will be donated to a local charity on Friday.
Due to final exams our schedule this week will be the following:
- Today is a C-day,
- Thursday will be a B day and
- Friday will be an A day
ECademy Registration will be ongoing until January 17th, 2013. If you need to make up a class, bring $15 cash, registration fee to your Academy Counselor, and they will review with you options to make up credits.
Don't forget: Tomorrow is a B-day schedule.
Good Luck on your finals.
And remember
As always…
It's great to be a Hawk!
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