Student Senate is asking everyone to participate in a
Teddy Bear Drive
We believe that this is a time to come together to help the families of Newtown, Connecticut start the healing process. We are collecting NEW stuffed animals and Teddy Bears this week to send to the families of Newtown. We encourage you to bring a bear to donate. If you would like to leave a message of hope, inspiration, consolation & encouragement please attach it to the bear. Please bring your bears to the Activities Office(D107). We will be delivering the bears on Thursday.
Have you lost your pants, shoes, coat, or shirt? Stop by activities and see if it is in the lost and found. All lost and found items will be donated to a local charity on Friday.
Teachers: The 2nd semester student schedules are in your mailboxes. Please distribute them during 5th period today.
Due to final exams our schedule this week will be the following:
- Wednesday will be a C-day,
- Thursday will be a B day and
- Friday will be an A day
Bowling: Our novice bowling team had a very difficult day in scoring but there was no lack of effort. The intermediate team bowled very well and finished in 4th place and finally our Rookie division team of Erin Abeyta, Miea Jones, William Kleyboecker, Nathan Reynolds and Khari Jones finished in second place out of 19 teams. An excellent showing, Congradulations team.
Yesterday, the bowling team held their annual challenge event. The Challenge was well represented by family members but the alumni and faculty response were a little less than hoped for. The faculty did increase their support of the bowling team from zero last year to one this year so we are hoping next year the teachers will be a little bit braver yet again.
ECademy Registration will be ongoing until January 17th, 2013. If you need to make up a class, bring $15 cash, registration fee to your Academy Counselor, and they will review with you options to make up credits.
Congratulations to the Varsity Wrestling team for their hard fought 3rd place finish this weekend in Las Cruces. 33 teams participated from NM, Arizona and Texas. Of the 10 varsity wrestlers we had 6 finish in the medal rounds and 1 was crowned champion.
Wt. Class--NAME--PLACE
- 106--Willie Chavez--2nd
- 113--Isaiah Flores--5th
- 120--Cameron Huizar--1st
- 145--Lolo Otero--2nd
- 170--Nate Sierra--2nd
- 195--Mike Budick--2nd
- 220--Josh Trujillo--4th
Both our girls and boys varsity basketball teams won 2nd place trophies in the Academy Tournament last week. The boys lost to a heartbreaking buzzerbeater against Rio Rancho. The Hawks were down a player and should do better when district games start up so make sure you come out and support your team.
Tournament MVPs were BOTH from Volcano Vista!! Congratulations to Hannah Fenske and Sam Haywood!
And remember
As always…
It's great to be a Hawk!
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