Volcano Vista bowling coach Perry Hampel announces that the teams ran into some very difficult competition this past weekend and while the teams bowled well, they did not do it consistently enough to be in the top 3 finishes. The rookie team finished in 7th place out of 16 teams while the Novice and intermediate teams were one spot back at 8th. Individually Ashlyn Monroe's score was the third highest out of 100 novice division bowlers. Coach Perry named Ashlyn as the top novice division bowler. James Alderetewas also recognized as the top rookie division performer and Dontae Ruiz in the intermediate division.
Coach Hampel also wants to remind the faculty of the challenge tournament on Sunday, December the 16th. So far no entries have been dropped off to room E209 by security-food services-administration-and it appears teachers are still concerned about bowling against the school team as we have a total of zero entries from them as well. Looking for a big turn around this week for support of our bowling team, Again drop off entries to Room E209 and bowl Sunday December 16th at 1:00 PM.
Fashion Club is having an Ugly Holiday Sweater Day this Thursday.
I'm sure we have plenty of teachers out there that would be willing to share.
Seniors: You are in charge of the Lava Pit today at lunch. If you signed up to work please be on time. If you're not sure if you signed up check with Ms. Bullard in A101.
Today is the last day to turn in Math Honor Society forms to Ms. Conell or Mrs. Leger. No more forms will be accepted after 2:25 this afternoon for this semester. Thank you to everyone that applied. We are looking forward to a great year.
Attention Driver's Ed students: Driver's Ed will not be held today. Classes will resume tomorrow, Wednesday.
Operation Smile will meet today at lunch in A101...Our shirts are here! Bring $5.00 to get your shirt and sport your shirt for the holidays!
Art Club will be having their weekly meeting on Wednesday instead of Tuesday this week. Remember it's our last meeting before the holidays so please bring a White Elephant gift to share. Also, let's get all those gingerbread houses finished by Wednesday!
STUDENT AMBASSADORS: If you are part of Mrs. Jones or Mrs. Wells groups, remember our pizza lunch is today in E203. See you for lunch!
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY: Our Hawks Clean-Up Week is Monday, Dec 10 through Friday, Dec 17. Report to the A Hall Office by 11:20. One of the officers will be there to sign you in each day. Remember, each day of clean-up can cover one meeting absence this semester.
ECademy Registration will be ongoing until January 17th, 2013. If you need to make up a class, bring $15 cash, registration fee to your Academy Counselor, and they will review with you options to make up credits.
- Wrestling has a match today in the Ring of Fire beginning at 4:30.
- Swim, Diving Varsity: APS Quads is Wednesday. Diving will be at Sandia Pool and Swimming will be at the Highland Pool. Both begin at 4.
- Both basketball teams will be participating in the Academy tournament beginning on Thursday.
And remember
As always…
It's great to be a Hawk!
For more information, go to our web site: http://www.volcanovistahawks.com
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