Friday, July 11, 2014

Re: [Geology2] Yellowstone Volcano in National Park: Road ‘Melts,’ Sign of Impending Supervolcano Eruption?

Interesting that there is snow on the ground which adds another factor into the report. The claim that oil is bubbling up from the ground is suspect.  I wouldn't be surprised if a new thermal feature e.g. mud pot, geyser etc. could be forming but oil-- not so much.  A gasoline spill can dissolve a road like this.  The claim that it is caused by extreme heat isn't supported by the facts only an assumption.  The more likely situation is freeze and thaw cycles on a low contract bid paving contract and low skill patching with tar rather than asphalt. 

As to the headline --Everything that happens in Yellowstone is a sign of "super volcano eruption" : Bison running in to the park, running out of the park, wolves overpopulating, wolves not to be seen. tourist passing green gas clouds after eating corn dogs at the concession at Old Faithful...

The only significant report I believe is regarding a lake which has tilted such that some tree stumps were submerged.  Some claim it is a sign of magma inflation under one end but who's to say it isn't subsidence on the other end?  We just get info that there has been a small tilt in the water level of the lake--and always with the hype of the volcano is ready to erupt.

From: "Lin Kerns [geology2]" <>
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 4:37 AM
Subject: [Geology2] Yellowstone Volcano in National Park: Road 'Melts,' Sign of Impending Supervolcano Eruption?


Yellowstone Volcano in National Park: Road 'Melts,' Sign of Impending Supervolcano Eruption?

By Zachary Stieber, Epoch Times | July 10, 2014
Last Updated: July 10, 2014
(National Park Service)
(National Park Service)
A road has been seriously damaged from extreme heat in the Yellowstone National Park, forcing park officials to shut off access.
Firehole Lake Drive's surface looks like it's melting from the heat.
Park officials said in a press release that extreme heat from surrounding thermal areas has caused thick oil to bubble to the surface, damaging the blacktop and creating unsafe driving conditions on the popular and scenic road off the Grand Loop Road halfway between Old Faithful and Madison Junction in the park's Lower Geyser Basin.
The 3.3 mile loop typically takes visitors past Great Fountain Geyser, White Dome Geyser and Firehole Lake.
A date for re-opening the road hasn't been announced.
The report has helped spark renewed rumors that the Yellowstone caldera, known as the Yellowstone volcano or Yellowstone supervolcano, will erupt sometime soon.
Tom Lupshu, a well-known conspiracy blogger who runs the Bunker Report, just posted a new video that claims the volcano could blow soon. That report as well as the KTVQ report on the road press release was highlighted by conspiracy website Before It's News. "Update! Road Melts At Yellowstone National Park, Causing Closure!" it said in its usual sensationalist style.
However, the Lupshu video also focuses on scientists saying they've discovered the caldera is 2.5 times bigger than previously thought–news that broke in December 2013.
Some alternative news bloggers and websites are notorious for recycling news that is actually from months or even years ago.
The renewed speculation follows a round that blew up in March, after a video was posted of animals allegedly fleeing the park as "an alert" that the volcano was set to blow.
However, that speculation turned out to be wrong.
The last major eruption is thought to have happened around 640,000 years ago and sent ash across the entire North America.
Bob Smith of the University of Utah said researchers are unsure when the supervolcano would erupt again. Two other eruptions happened, one 2.1 million years ago, and the other 1.3 million years ago, Smith said. One theory is that eruptions happen every 700,000 years ago, but Smith said more data is needed to back that theory up.

Just had to send this one, especially after having been there. I talked to a ranger about how often they had to repave roads in the park and he said it was a constant project, due to underlying geothermal processes. In other words, this has always been and will always be a problem in Yellowstone. Geez.




Posted by: MEM <>


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