Monday, August 8, 2016

Re: [californiadisasters] Admin Read: Member Participation & Kim Stuff

Thank you Kim ~
I know what it is like with other responsibilities (me) taking care of a senior mom.
There are so many knowledgeable people here I always feel "blessed" I found this "GROUP" after the 2007 San  Diego Fires.  (Got on the computer in 2009)...Newboy helped me so much! Quite funny about the typewriter and black dial up phone (he asked me if I was used to) ~ I did NOT know how to wipe off previous addresses.  YIPES
I always tell all my friends about this group as well as forward photos/news (LIN!!!). 
TY You are all SPOT ON and this is my one GROUP I am not on WEB ONLY.
This is a GROUP I post to people that own and also rescue animals like I do for help ~ when possible.
KUDOS to your leadership Kim ~ as well as others here. 
That last little earthquake I asked where was it from you guys were there. 
Bless YOU ALL!!!
Achtung Gruppe!

I have been very busy with Cal Poly stuff both recovering from undergrad studies and starting up Cal Poly grad school stuff. I also work and have family responsibilities so my time is much more limited than when we started in 2007 and the years immediately following opening shop. Then it seems I had too much time on my hands and now I seem to not have enough time on my hands. I'm still working on better time management skills with my current busy life.

I really truly appreciate it when other folks jump in here when I'm too busy to post. I've not had the time or energy to update on the Soberanes Fire the past couple of weeks or update the News & Notes Updates. I hope to get back on that tomorrow.

Thanks Dan Shapiro for your Pilot Fire posts which fire will be the major fire in the state. Thanks Pamela Alley for your article post on the tree mortality catastrophe unfolding across our state. Thanks Steve Detwiler for your continued and regular posts of your EM Weekly Report.

The rest of you please feel free to jump in at any time. Posts can be questions or discussion or articles or reports on ongoing incidents. We only use the secondary discussion group (and hardly at all) for discussion when the main group is Code 33 which has not been the case in some time thank God. I also sometimes post things there that seem somewhat ancillary to the main thrust of this group.

Anywho, thanks all and carry on!

Gruppenfuhrer Kimster


Posted by: Marilyn Sass <>

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