Seniors! If you haven't turned in your diploma information card please do so immediately. You can turn them in to Mrs. Ewing in the main office or Mrs. Webb in 9th grade academy.
Any group that is participating in the can food drive please bring your items down to the activities office by the end of the day tomorrow.
Hip Hop Club will have the next meeting this Friday at 2:30- 3:30 after school MEETING IN H HALL. Please bring appropriate dance attire, and also anyone interested is still welcomed to come!
Seniors: It is time to vote for your class son, motto and flower. Stop by the activities office at lunch today, Friday or Monday to vote. This information will be on your graduation announcement.
GIRLS SOCCER will play TODAY at 1:30 at the soccer complex against Eldorado. Since students don't have class let's try to fill the stadium.
GIRLS TENNIS: Attention all girls interested in going out for tennis in the Spring: Pre-season hitting days will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays after school in November and December. This is your chance to get ready for the season. Beginning players can be on the Junior Varsity team; no one will be cut. The first hitting session will be held Thursday, Nov. 5 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Sierra Vista.
There will be no school on Wednesday, November 11 in observance of Veteran's Day.
Have a great day
And remember
As always…
It's great to be a Hawk!
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