Just a reminder that CURRICULUM NIGHT is tonight, Monday 08/27/12 at 6:30 p.m. in the VVHS Gym. All parents are encouraged to attend; this is an opportunity to visit your child's classes. Your child should bring home a flyer tonight, where they have detailed their schedule for you. Teachers will give a basic introduction, contact information and overview of their curriculum. It is not a time to address individual student concerns, but feel free to contact the teacher or your student's Academy Office during the school day to up an appointment. Some Boost clubs and organizations will be selling `Hawk-wear'.
SBA SPRING 2012 RESULTS (last year's 10th & 11th graders): We will distribute your students' SBA results at 6:00 p.m. To pick up SBA test results you must be the student's parent/legal guardian and show photo identification. You may pick up the SBA results between 6:00 and 6:30 p.m. in the Gym Snack Bar. Again, you must be the student's parent/legal guardian and show photo identification.
For more information, go to our web site: http://www.volcanovistahawks.com
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