The house was a local historic home, the Patterson house, some 120-130 years old and an original homestead. A total loss, completely gone.
By the way, ‘exceptional’ is a new (to here) classification, higher than a ‘high’ dispatch. With mid to upper 90’s here lately, it is happening a LOT. It is occurring in places that just didn’t meet the normal standards for needs (limited access, higher than the ‘normal’ growth or tons of fuel per acre etc.). It makes for a LONG dispatch too, over a minute of tone outs.
I had to go out for an hour but saw the smoke and know they are releasing a (VAST) number of engines. The Sac county chopper needed refueling but was simply released.
I didn't count but an easy 20 something engines dispatched or ordered, dozer and 3 hand crews; 3 choppers, air attack and lotsa overhead.
A lot less smoke on my return. Busy but winding down (still spots). A/A said two outbuildings and one structure involved.
I'll watch the news in a few. Second major fire here this year, both on a Friday, both FUBAR the traffic (Friday Flatlander Follies, we sell tickets in the winter).
Rick wa6nhc
Tiny iPhone 5 keypad, typos are inevitable
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