Tuesday, September 8, 2015

[californiadisasters] 1923 Honda Point Disaster, Wednesday, 09 September 2015

"1923 Honda Point Disaster" reminder
Wednesday, 09 September 2015
05:00 AM to 05:00 AM
(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time - Dublin / Edinburgh / Lisbon / London
Gaviota Coast of Western Santa Barbara County
On this evening in 1923, US Navy Destroyer Squadron 11 (DESRON-11) was conducting exercises off the coast of Central California. The group of 14 ships was cruising in a single line formation in the fog utilizing dead reckoning and radio silence simulating wartime conditions. Due to the dangerous nature of the coast of Santa Barbara County along with the fog and strange tidal currents along the coast that day the ships erroneously turned into the coastline believing they were turning into the Santa Barbara Channel. One by one each ship steamed through the murky fog and into the rock outcroppings known as the "Devil's Jaw". Of the 14 ships in DESRON-1, seven were lost (USS Delphy, USS S.P. Lee, USS Young, USS Woodbury, USS Nicholas, USS Fuller, USS Chauncy) with 23 sailors killed with three more ships making it into the area of the rocks but avoiding being sunk (USS Farragut, USS Percival, USS Sommers) and four ships stopping in time to avoid the rocks altogether (USS Kennedy, USS Paul Hamilton, USS Stoddert, USS Thompson). To this day this remains the worst peace-time disaster in US Navy history. For additional information and the source of info in this anniversary reminder check the following links and source: http://www.pointhondamemorial.org/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honda_Point_Disaster <http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/events/ev-1920s/ev-1923/hondapt.htm> "Jaws of Honda" by Mary Hoag Copyright 2001 ISBN 0-9707277-0-4 "Tragedy at Honda" by Charles A. Lockwood and Hans Christian Adamson Copyright 1997 ISBN 0-9655527-2-1
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