Thursday, September 3, 2015

[californiadisasters] Good and Ready for PrepareAthon Initiative


The goal of the “Good and Ready for PrepareAthon” Initiative is to help individuals, families, neighborhoods and communities to prepare for the next disaster via a series of daily preparedness videos.


In addition to the videos the initiative is offering a Community Wildfire Response Exercise and a Disaster Volunteer Management Exercise for your participation. The exercises are very engaging and there is NO CHARGE to participate.     


The initiative’s web site is found below and contains information on the exercises as well as each days disaster preparedness video.


To help you prepare your neighborhood and community for the next disaster a series of daily Tweet, Facebook and E-Mail messages have been developed for your use. Access these easy to use messages below.


Daily Tweet / Facebook / E-Mail Messages



Please take the opportunity use these messages and to participate in the Wildfire and Volunteer Management Exercises.




Posted by: "Chris Floyd" <>

Be sure to check out our Links Section at
Please join our Discussion Group at for topical but extended discussions started here or for less topical but nonetheless relevant messages.


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