I actually got in my car and drove out to Magic Mountain on 126 today. In the hills to the south of 126 from the LA County line east there was evidence of charred brush and retardant drops. There were a few places where there was wispy white smoke across the hills but no flames that I could see. When I reached Six Flags, the park looked untouched. There was a huge swath of red retardant along the north side of the park, then charred hillside. I did some shopping in Steveson Ranch, then headed back. There was a new plume visible from Santa Paula, but nothing along 126. Just past Fillmore, there was evidence of fire having travelled down to the orchards and row crops on the slopes of the valley on the north slope, but it had been put out.
On Dec 6, 2017, at 3:05 PM, 'K.' egroupzz@kemasa.com [californiadisasters] <californiadisasters@yahoogroups.com> wrote:On Wednesday 06 December 2017, Kim Noyes kimnoyes@gmail.com
[californiadisasters] wrote:
> In my case it has been seeing with my eyes. The Rye Fire is actually in the
> Santa Susana Mountains upwind of parts of Simi Valley. Once the winds pick
> up again, if there is any open flame adjacent to unburnt fuel or open
> flames or coals that can be rekindled and any embers leave said flames and
> travel downwind into unburnt fuels then the fire will run with the wind and
> also interact with terrain and fuel. Simi Valley is safe for now but
> residents and businesses there need to be prepared for fire entering the
> area tonight into tomorrow.
Yes, the real threat is from the Rye fire, not from the Thomas fire, but what
many are talking about is the Thomas fire. The problem is that you can see
the flames at times from the Thomas fire from Simi Valley and people don't
know the distance.
I can't see any smoke from the Rye fire currently, but that does not mean much
as a change in the wind will quickly change that.
In the past, that is exactly the same path as another fire (Rye).
Posted by: "Cindy @ Windy Hill" <cindy@alpacalink.com>
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