Thursday, August 15, 2013

[californiadisasters] North Ops News & Notes Update (8/15/13-7:30AM)

News and Notes

CA-SRF Grizzly Fire: 8 acres, 85% contained. Full containment expected 8/16/2013.

CA-TNF American Fire:4,958 acres, 35% contained. Moderate fire behavior was observed overnight, with some single tree torching. The fire in the Deadwood Ridge area is burning in steep and hazardous trerrain, along with heavy timber, in an area that has not burned in decades. Burning of heavy fuels is contributing to the heavy smoke in the area. Placer Air Pollution Board is working with the Team on smoke effects.

CA-KNF Salmon River Complex: 12,021 acres, 55% contained. Firefighters will continue firing operations in the area of China Gulch and the west side of Neilon Gulch to keep the fire within containment lines. Mop up continues along existing containment lines. Structure defense will continue around the community of Sawyers Bar. Forest closures remain in effect.

CA-SRF Butler Fire: 13,388 acres, 22% contained. Poor RH recovery at higher elevations provided active fire behavior throughout last night's operational period. This lead to isolated single and group tree torching and active flanking on the fire's edge. Lower drainages had higher humidity recovery and fire spread was limited to creeping and smoldering. Point protection of structures in the fire area continues. Salmon River Road remains closed to the public use in the fire area.

CA-SRF Corral Complex: 2,500 acres, 0% contained. Fire continues to spread towards the north and west. Team continues to scout and open nearby trails while developing a suppression strategy with stakeholders. Fire is burning in the 1999 Megram Fire and the 2009 Backbone Fire.


CA-SRF Grizzly Fire: 8 acres, 85% contained. Lines have been completed with hose lay around fire. Falling snags are a threat to control lines. Felling operations are in place to mitigate burning snags from crossing the line. Reduced acreage due to more accurate mapping.

CA-TNF American Fire: 3,950 acres, 10% contained. Fire was active in the slope aligned topography. Roll out is contributing to the slope aligned runs. Short range spotting occurred during this operational period. The Forest, the Timber Industry, local agencies, and private landowners are collaborating to implement a strategy and tactics to that will minimize impacts on high value timber resources, Western States Trail, water shed and local communities.

CA-KNF Salmon River Complex: 11,903 acres, 55% contained. Estimated containment 8/18, 2013. Moderate resistance to control due to heavy dead and down fuels. Narrow roads with little to no access to the fire area. Heavy smoke is limiting aerial support and reconnaissance and continues to affect local communities. Group tree torching, short crown runs, and moderate range spotting is expected to continue.

CA-SRF Butler Fire: 12,100 acres, 22% contained.  Estimated containment, 09/15/2013. Dry fuels continue to be receptive to spot fires during the burning period. Spotting has been observed one quarter to one half mile ahead of the main fire. Large fuels burning under canopy are preconditioning fuels for short crown runs. Air operations are limited due to smoke inversion that lifts late in the afternoon. Smoke from nearby fires is settling in around the Butler Fire, impacting air quality and visibility.

CA-SRF Corral Complex 2,020 acres, 0% contained. Observed fire behavior is isolated torching with spotting 1/8 mile, continue fire spread to the north west. The team will continue scouting and opening of nearby trails, install second radio repeater, develop liong-term strategy.


CA-SRF Grizzly Fire: 35 acres, 50% contained. Fire remained within established direct control lines. Type I helicopter bucket work has been key to keeping fire in check within direct lines.

CA-TNF American Fire: 3,050 acres, 5% contained. The North end of the fire was most active over night. Smoke is anticipated to be a significant issue for the Sierra Foothills, Tahoe area, and Sacramento Valley. The Team is working with the Placer County Air Pollution Board regarding the smoke effects on the local communities. High value Timber resources, the Western States Trail and municipal water shed is threatened.

CA-KNF Salmon River Complex: 11,698 acres, 45% contained. Estimated containment date: 08/15/2013. On the west side, above China Gulch, firefighters will continue firing operations to keep the fire within the containment line and the Salmon River Road. Along the east side, west of Neilon Gulch, firefighters conduct firing operations along the established handline towards the Salmon River Road..

CA-SRF Butler Fire: 11,883 acres, 22% contained.  Estimated containment: 09/15/2013. High relative humidity setting up around 2100 suppressed flanking movement and shortened flame length. Fire activity reduced with the strengthening of the inversion. Isolated single and group torching was observed throughout the night. Creeping and smoldering on the fires edge and due to roll out continue to consume moderate amounts of acreage through the night.

CA-SRF Corral Complex: 1,647acres, 0% contained. SoCal Team #2 assumes command at 0600. Spotting 1/8 mile ahead of large fires. Concern remains about smoke impacts and fire spread west towards the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation, as well as potential easterly spread to the Shasta-Trinity NF and the community of Denny.


CA-SRF Grizzly Fire: 35 acres, 50% contained. Fire remained within established direct control lines. Type I helicopter bucket work has been key to keeping fire in check within direct lines.

CA-TNF American Fire: 1,900 acres, 0% contained. Suppression efforts are focused mainly on the Deadwood Ridge and Last Chance sides of the fire. While firefighters are working to protect heritage resources from the fire and from suppression impacts, firefighter and public safety are first priorities. The Forest, the timber industry, local agencies, and private landowners are collaborating to implement a strategy and tactics to that will minimize impacts on high value timber resources, Western States Trail, water shed and local communities.

CA-KNF Salmon River Complex: 11,161 acres, 45% contained. Estimated containment date: 08/15/2013. The complex's aerial resources assisted the Klamath National Forest with initial attack on the Razor Fire.  On the west side above China Gulch, firefighters will continue firing operations to keep the fire within the containment line and the Salmon River Road.  Along the east side west of Neilon Gulch firefighters will conduct firing operations along the established hand line towards the Salmon River Road.

CA-SRF Butler Fire: 10,590 acres, 22% contained.  Estimated containment: 09/15/2013. Due to the slop overs in Division B, a decision point was reached resulting in an evacuation advisory for the community of the Forks of Salmon.  Day resources continued to evaluate opportunities to contain slop overs in McNeal Creek.  Poor visibility snags, and steep terrain hampered containment efforts along the line.  Point protection of structures in the fire area continues and will expand south as needed along the Hwy 93 corridor.

CA-SRF Corral Complex: 887acres, 0% contained. Transition is underway from SRF Type 3 IMT to Don Garwood's Type 2 SoCal #2 IMT. The team will take command of the incident at 0600 tomorrow.  Long-term planning is underway with representatives of the Hoopa Tribe and the Shasta-Trinity NF.  Continued scouting and opening of trails in the 1999 Megram fire footprint around the active fires is ongoing.

CA-BTU Neal Fire: 21 acres 100% contained.
CA-BTU Neal Fire: Fire is located 6 miles southwest of Paradise, CA. Currently 15 acres burning in grass and brush, 50% contained. Fire is a result of a civilian aircraft accident.

CA-SRF Grizzly Fire: 35 acres 0% contained. This fire is located 3 miles NE of Zenia, CA on Trinity County Road 502. Extremely steep slopes are hampering control efforts and endangering crews from rollout. Steep slopes and heavy fuels are causing a reconsideration of direct to indirect tactics.

CA -TNF American Fire: Fire is now 1,750 acres 0% contained. Steep and hazardous terrain along the American River Gorge makes access difficult. There are numerous open mines and suspected Drug-Related Activities in the immediate fire area. Smoke is affecting air quality in areas surrounding the fire area: including the Highway 80 corridor, Sacramento Valley, and the Lake Tahoe Basin. Central Coast Type 2 (D'Andrea) Team took command of the fire on August 12, 2013 at 1800 hours.

CA-KNF Salmon River Complex: 10,889 acres, 45% contained. On the west side, above China Gulch, firefighters will hold and improve established line, monitor the fires progress, and conduct firing operations to keep the fire within the containment line and the Salmon River Road. Along the east side, west of Neilon Gulch, firefighters will conduct firing operations along the established handline towards the Salmon River Road. Around the community of Sawyers Bar, structure protection and daily sprinkler system tests are planned along with mop-up to a depth of 150 feet along the Salmon River Road. Salmon River Complex firefighters and aerial resources have been delegated responsibility for initial attack.

CA-SRF Butler Fire: 10,270 acres, 20% contained. The Salmon River Road remains closed to public use in the fire area. The North Coast Unified Air Quality Management District and Siskiyou County Air Resource Board have issued air quality and health advisories in both Humboldt and Siskiyou Counties. An evacuation advisory remains in effect for residences along HWY 93 from Butler Flat to north of the Forks of Salmon. The new evacuation advisory posted last night includes the Forks of Salmon community. Steep terrain, rolling material, snags and inaccessible areas hamper the ability to construct direct line construction.

CA-SRF Corral Complex Fire: 809 acres 0% contained. Major problems continues to be remote wilderness access, snags and lack of suppression resources. Concerns are the smoke impacts and fire spread west towards the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation as well as the potential easterly spread on to the Shasta-Trinity National Forest. Type 2 team SOCAL#2 Garwood will in-brief today.



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