Monday, April 13, 2015

[californiadisasters] Fire crews increase staffing earlier

Fire crews in California increase staffing earlier

Posted: Monday, April 13, 2015 1:01 am | Updated: 4:02 am, Mon Apr 13, 2015.
Associated Press |
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (AP) — Fire agencies along California's central and southern coasts are ramping up staffing levels well before they normally do because of bone-dry conditions after four years of drought.
Ventura County Fire, Santa Barbara County Fire and state fire crews in San Luis Obispo County and the San Benito-Monterey area are adding firefighters, fire engines, bull dozers, helicopters and air tankers on Monday for this year's fire season.
The Los Padres National Forest is also adding firefighters and equipment.
The chance of a wildfire in California typically peaks in autumn. But fire officials say the ongoing drought has made wildfires a year-round concern in the state.

Bill Truscott
Rancho Cordova, CA.


Posted by: Bill Truscott <>

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