Sunday, April 12, 2015

Re: [californiadisasters] Re: A Lot Of Bottled Water Comes From Drought-Stricken California

Thanks, Don... :)

From: "Don [californiadisasters]" <>
Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2015 11:39 PM
Subject: Re: [californiadisasters] Re: A Lot Of Bottled Water Comes From Drought-Stricken California

I'm not an expert on this but there are about 6 kinds of plastic used. On the bottom of every bottle there is supposed to be a triangle, possibly VERY small, that has a number 1 to 6. Some of these numbers are recommended not to be used more than once or used for storage as they can supposedly give off a chemical/compound that could be hazardous to health the way I recall. Google may be your friend.....
More Radio Fun and a Whole Lot More!    Don KPC6NDB  Upland, CA  FRG-100B FunCube Dongle Pro+  ICF2010 Perseusx3 WR-G31DDCx2  R70 R71A w/250Hz R75x2 w/250Hz  PRN1000 SDR-IQ SPR-4 SSR-1  SR-AF & LPF DSP599zx MFJ-784B  HD-1418 AF-1 MSB-1  PA0RDT Mini-Whipx2 @ 25ft   RYOAA @ 25ft 30ft LNV  ALA100Lx2 Z1501F @20ft w/9ft Whip  Solarcon A-99  

On 12-Apr-15 22:01, Pamela Alley [californiadisasters] wrote:
I drink bottled water for a couple of reasons...First, the Crystal Geyser from Mt Shasta area is identical to the wonderful water I grew up on and tastes much better than most tap waters (don't *even* get me started on San Clemente water!)...and the secondary reason is that they have great gallon bottles, with a handle yet!, and those I use repeatedly with local tap water (sometimes flavored, sometimes not) until there's an off taste and then I recycle 'em and start over.

Anybody know why their labels say 'do not reuse'??



Posted by: Pamela Alley <>

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