There is no one single answer because of where you might be at any given moment. In the fire service (and the military) one learns to develop ‘situational awareness’ (knowing where you are and what is going on around you, at all times). That’s a really good way to stay safer (it’s not possible to absorb it all at once, just be aware and alert).
Putting that in perspective, that’s why I look for (clear) exits, stairways and specific construction details (to know what is safer and which way to run if necessary). I also note fire alarms, extinguishers and sprinkler systems. I’m not a structural engineer, but I know that long spans of support will sway, glass breaks and exits (stairwells) in most new buildings are ‘hardened’. That’s the very same stairwell that the rescuers will use to gain access.
Be aware of where you are, what is around you (people are the largest hazard, anywhere). It’s not just advice; it’s a way of living longer.
And put a lot of "ifs" there. I suppose there is a general plan for an earthquake? But I don't know what that is and there are an awful lot of folks who dont' know what that is...having never lived in earthquake country. Say I am in downtown
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