Monday, August 1, 2016

Re: [californiadisasters] A Super Dave Schwartz Weather Highlight

Certainly some very sad news.   Dave Schwartz was the best weatherman to come along in decades.   He was cheerful, funny, kind-hearted, and very smart.   When cable TV first got popular back in the early 90's, my family would stay up late on the weekends playing board games while the Weather Channel was on in the background.   We enjoyed Dave's commentary so much, we wrote him a letter asking him about his job.   Not expecting any sort of reply, we got a card back in the mail a few weeks later.   He thanked us for writing and said he loved his job and has a great time going to work each day.   We were so excited to have heard back from him!  
It always seems like the worst things happen to the nicest guys.  But he certainly made his impact here on earth.

In a message dated 8/1/2016 1:56:01 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Eclectic Arcania mourns the loss of this legendary weather broadcaster:


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