Wednesday, August 20, 2014

[californiadisasters] On This Date In California Weather History (August 17)

2012: A massive thunderstorm dropped 5.36" of rain on Yucaipa Ridge.
Runoff caused several mudslides down the hill in Forest Falls, one was 5' deep.

A funnel cloud was observed in Dulzura.

1997: Tropical storm Ignacio produced 18' waves in Orange County from this day to 8.19.

1992: Tropical air brought high temperatures and heat index values to LA for a week.
On this day it was 99° with a heat index of 110° F.

1983: Portions of California City were flooded after heavy rain fell in the Tehachapi Mountains and caused Cache Creek to swell.
Water was the height of car windows and some houses flooded.

Hurricane Doreen tracked north northwestward along the west coast of Baja California, dissipating over the coastal waters.
Most areas received at least 2" of rainfall with up to 8" in the mountains from 8.15 to this day.
This occurred during the El NiƱo of 1977-78.
4.9" fell at Mt. Laguna, 4.5" at Borrego Palm Canyon, 4" at Palomar Mountain and Lake Henshaw, 3.26" at Borrego Springs (2.53" in six hours on this day, a 100 year event), and more than 2" in Palm Springs and in Riverside.
4.5" fell at the Salton Sea in just a few hours.
2.06" fell in LA, the wettest August day on record.
4 died and $25 million in damage in Southern California resulted.
Debris flows and flooding from Henderson Canyon into the Borrego Springs De Anza neighborhood damaged 100 homes.
Mud flows grew to 5' deep.
Flooded roads resulted in desert areas.
Floods and crop damage was incurred at the Salton Sea.
On this day 2.73" of rain fell in Borrego Springs, the all-time greatest daily amount on record.
2.13" fell in San Diego on 8.16 and on this day, the wettest 24-hour period on record for August.
On this day 1.79" of rain fell in Santa Ana, the greatest daily amount on record for August.

1977: Wettest August day on record for Bakersfield with 1.03" of rain recorded.
Only two calendar days have had at least 1" of rain fallen in Bakersfield in the month of August.

1969: King City had a high temperature of 107° F.

1967: Thunderstorms hit the lower desert, also on 8.16, produced 2.5" of rain in 90 minutes at Cathedral City and 0.75" at Indio.

1963: A heavy thunderstorm hit the tiny town of Rice (east of Joshua Tree NM).
The flash flood washed out roads and railroads.

1959: A heavy thunderstorm dropped 1.5" in Needles and 1 inch at the Needles airport.
One died and 3 were missing in disastrous flooding.
Bridges, highways and railroads were washed out across a wide area.
Cars were swept away.
Waves up to 22' were observed coming down Sacramento Wash.
This was considered the greatest runoff of record from any desert watershed in San Bernardino County history.

1918: An exceptionally cold period for summer enveloped Southern California.
It was 45° F in Santa Ana, the lowest temperature on record for August.
This also occurred on 8.21.1959.

1917: This day was the final day of a 43-day hot spell to hit Death Valley (since 7.6) with temperatures 120° F or higher.

1910: A fire in Igo (Shasta Co.) destroyed Leiter's Store; Gus Leschinsky's hotel, saloon and lodging house; 2 barns; an unoccupied blacksmith shop and the home of Mrs. Parsons.
Total damages were estimated at $20,000.

1909: The high temperature at Lovelock, NV was 103° F.

1901: Susanville recorded 1.23" of precipitation.

Source: NWS San Francisco/Monterey, Hanford, Reno, & San Diego as well as the Redding Record-Searchlight



Posted by: Kim Noyes <>

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